Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense In Martinsburg, WV

When you've been accused of committing a crime, navigating the criminal justice system can be overwhelming. The law offices of Power Beck & Matzureff understand that sometimes bad things happen to good people. Our defense lawyers can show you what legal options are available and guide you through the process.
Strong and Effective Criminal Defense for:
  • Federal Felonies
  • State Felonies
  • Federal Drug Charges
  • State Drug Charges
  • Juvenile Charges
  • White Collar Crime... and more
Our Legal Process
When you call our office, we will answer your questions, research your case and investigate options available. Through years of experience, our attorneys can anticipate the prosecution's next move and that can make all the difference! Power Beck & Matzureff will evaluate your case thoroughly, advise you of the risks and prepare you for the potential outcome. A criminal charge can be life-changing and we understand what's a stake.
We Care About Our Clients
At Power Beck & Matzureff, we will advocate for your rights, advise you on what the charges mean and build a strong defense strategy. Our attorneys have years of experience working in criminal law and they will apply their knowledge to your case. If you've been arrested for a serious crime, you'll need a dedicated legal team that knows the system. We have compassion for our clients and offer them a powerhouse of legal defense.
CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAW Martinsburg Power Beck & Matzureff

Frequently Asked Criminal Defense Questions:

1. Do I need to hire an attorney if I plan on pleading guilty?
2. When I am arrested, should I speak with a police officer?
3. Is there a difference between a felony and misdemeanor charge?
4. Will my case go to trial?
Don't let a conviction destroy your life. We fight for your liberty. Call the law offices of Power Beck & Matzureff for a consultation today! 304-264-8870
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